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Our Birthday Signature Collection is curated to help you match the perfect birthday gift to the special people in your life. Find the tasteful, thoughtful and sweet to express how much you care.
Birthday Gifts For Chocolate Lovers
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Birthday Gifts For Flower People
Birthday Gifts For Snack Attackers
Birthday Strawberries™
Shari's Berries
available to ship now
“Happy Birthday” Deluxe Favorites Gift Basket
Harry’s Gift Box
Grand Meat and Cheese Gift Box
Snack Box
Tower of Treats® Signature Gift
Harry & David® Deluxe Gift Box with Sweet and Salty Treats
Deluxe David’s Gift Tower
Grand “Happy Birthday” Gift Basket
Birthday Gift Basket
“Happy Birthday” Gift Basket
Birthday Cake Pops
Gourmet Drizzled Strawberries™
Ultimate Premium Gift Basket
Deluxe Meat and Cheese Gift with Wine
Grand Meat and Cheese Gift Box with Wine
Strawberry Smiles® Dipped Strawberries
Harry & David® Classic Gift Box with Sweet and Salty Treats
Gifts for that one friend who has always wanted a surprise party.